ITF Online
Mr Johns had this come through. Showing that even in these difficult times taekwondo still thrives.
- Dear ITF EB Members and Chairpersons of Standing Committees,
Dear NGB Representatives, Grand Masters, Masters and Instructors,
Dear Taekwon-Do practitioners,
RE: Online Broadcast - Bulgarian National Challenge in Online Patterns
We hope our letter finds you all well and safe!
Please, allow us to kindly circulate the following link for the broadcast of the ITF sanctioned online Challenge with all your potentially interested contacts.
Semi-finals and Finals will start today, Sunday, April 26th, at 19.00 (GMT+3) Eastern European Summer Time, at the Official ITF Cyber Arena located at:
We strongly advise all our members to enjoy the competitions and #stayhome #stayhome #playsafe #staystrong
This timely project initiated by AOTE and iSCORE in Greece was well received in Bulgaria and already inspired many NGBs around the Globe to follow the path.
England, Scotland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, Canada, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Australia, Argentina, China, Singapore and Iran have already demonstrated the indomitable spirit and joined the Challenge. We are sure there are many more to come.
Yours in Taekwon-Do,