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Class meeting.

We will be holding our school meeting on July 8th.

This is for everyone to attend new old members and all family members. It is an opportunity to share where we are as a school and update everyone with developments in the UKTA. It is also an opportunity to focus on the future of our Taekwon Do family. Class will finish early on that day in order for the meeting to include everyone. It will be held within the sports bar which will be opened specifically for us to enjoy. Please make every effort to attend it is for you. Yours in Taekwon Do Mr Johns V  

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  • I've done Taekwon-Do before. Do I need to start from white belt again?
    As long as you previously trained at an association under the International Taekwon-Do Federation, you will not need to start from white belt again. You'll need to bring your certificate, and of course your belt!
  • How much does it cost?
    The cost can be tailored to you, depending on how many people in your family want to train, the ages of the students, and how often you wish to train each month. As a guide, the average cost is around £25 per student per calendar month.
  • What age do I need to be?
    Usually we advise that the youngest age for students to start is 5 years of age. However, children could start at a slightly younger age, depending on the personality of the child. We have no upper age limit for accepting students.
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